

💙💚We are PaperPie.💙💚 

We gather for good around literacy and learning.📚📚📚 

📖Paper is our medium of communication. We offer exceptional, innovative, and joy-filled ways for children to connect with noisy devices! 

🥧When you think of pie, you think of something to be gathered around, something to be shared, an experience worth savoring. That’s exactly what our products are made for… literacy and learning as a lifestyle, stories made to share, and moments that inspire you to gather. 

✨PaperPie is for memory-making, creative learning, and unlimited possibilities, all within the context of togetherness!✨ 

We're proud to offer products from Kane Miller Books, Usborne books, Learning Wrap-ups, and SmartLab Toys. You belong here with us, helping children and communities do greater and be greater. 🥰