Welcome to winter time in Texas- when it changes 30 degrees in one day and it seems as if every illness known to man is going around! Although we try to teach our kids that “sharing is caring”, that’s not necessarily the case when it comes to germs.
Here are 5 tips to help keep kids well this winter (in no particular order):
Limit sugar
All the parents roll their eyes because everyone knows just how hard this is. This time of year, we are completely inundated with sugar and our bodies (especially the little ones) are not able to tolerate the influx. Excess sugar reduces the body’s ability to fight illness. As a result, this often leads to inflammation. Later in life, it can contribute to unwanted weight gain and lead to metabolic disorders such as diabetes, heart disease and hormonal imbalances.
Eat foods in season
Foods that are picked at the peak of their growing season have the most nutritional value. During the winter, enjoy the following seasonal produce to maximize nutrients: citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit), root vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, turnips, parsnips), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts) and leafy greens (kale, spinach, mustard and collard greens). Also choosing produce of varying color gives you a broader nutritional profile than eating from just one color family.
Wash your hands
It sounds too good to be true but washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of illness or infections. Teach your kids a fun song to sing while they wash to ensure they are spending enough time doing so. “Happy Birthday”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” or the “ABC song” are great lengths.
Get proper sleep
Proper sleep also helps to support the immune system (do you see the theme here?) and can also increase brain function. Enough sleep helps children to think more clearly and make good decisions which can impact overall health.
Support your immune system
Vitamin D: Sunshine helps the body to produce Vitamin D which strengthens the immune system. Egg yolks, milk/yogurt and fatty fish are all good sources. Supplementation may be needed during winter months when the days are shorter and we are inside more. Liquid forms of Vitamin D are widely found and are easily absorbed by the body. You can find Vitamin D in beef, eggs, nuts and seeds.
Vitamin C: This vitamin enhances the function of immune cells and helps our body fight off pathogens. Liposomal vitamin C is the most bioavailable form available (meaning our bodies can use it the best!) Good sources of Vitamin C are oranges, red peppers, strawberries and broccoli.
Zinc: Zinc helps fight infections and also helps to regulate inflammation in the body. There are many liquid forms available on the market that make it easy to take, especially for children. Eggs, beef and chicken are good sources of Zinc.
Elderberry syrup: Elderberries can shorten the duration of illness and can also prevent illness from ever starting due to their high antioxidant content. Avoid store-bought varieties especially gummies as they tend to be full of unnecessary ingredients like sugar.
Pro tip: Add vitamins D, C and Zinc to your elderberry syrup on school days to start your children off on the right foot!
Liz is a local mom of three, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and business owner. She has owned and operated Heirloom Wellness, LLC since 2017. Her private practice focuses on providing families in our community natural options when it comes to their health, nutritional counseling and homemade organic elderberry and cough syrup.
A note from Liz:
I always tell my clients that little steps can lead to BIG changes in our health. I encourage you to choose a couple of these to focus on at a time with your children and see how their health improves as a result! I have been so blessed by this community and feel so thankful to help make League City a healthier place to live for all of us. If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to reach out. I can be found at:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/heirloomwellnessllc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heirloomwellnessllc
Website: msha.ke/heirloomwellnessllc
Email: heirloomwellnessllc@gmail.com