
Mommy Confessions

Say what you Think and Think what you Say

By Rebecca Benson April 1, 2013


Do you remember that old Great Aunt or Uncle we all had who would be so honest with you. You know the one that would tell you how awful you looked or when you would finally get a husband. Yeah that one who really told you what was on your mind. I sometimes wish I could be that way but we all know we have to think what we say and not say what we think.


A few weeks ago Facebook asked me what I was thinking and I updated my status that if I really said what I was thinking that I would likely be unfriended by everyone. It got a bunch of likes and comments because we all think like that. We have all sorts of reasons as to why we want to blurt that one thought out to others but most of us have the sense to not do it or maybe tone it down so it isn't that harsh.


I really wish I could tell someone they are being stupid or ask them why they think that outfit looks good on them. We have all seen that and think “I hope someone would tell me I look bad”. A friend and I were just having this conversation and she asked me to tell her if she ever looks bad or decides to stick a big bow in her hair (she had seen it and didn’t have the heart to tell the woman how awful it looked).


I know that we all have those few people we think we can be honest with but we really can't. There is no way my husband would say lots of things he is thinking to me because like most he is afraid of the woman wrath that can happen. I have had a few people tell me things that hurt and were actually none of their business because they don't think about what they say and how they say it to me.


There is this movie called “The Invention of Lying” and it is an interesting movie because everyone tells the truth and exactly how they feel. Everyone accepts that is how it is with life and sometimes I wish that we could all be more honest like that but just like with lying, honesty can put you in a bad place. Being open and truthful can get you in lots of trouble too, so we are always walking that fine line between how or what we say to people.


Don't think I am all about lying because I hate liars but it is more about knowing when to keep your mouth shut about things even when someone on Facebook has put for the millionth time something you don't agree with. I so wish I could put all my thoughts and opinions out there for people to see but I know that is how people shape what they think about me, so instead I decided to think about what I say and do good for the world instead of throwing all the crap out there for the world to see.


Even my husband has learned to do this better and be more thoughtful in how he deals with people. So now the only thing he says to me is “here is your glass of wine and can I rub your feet!” Because we all know after being home all day with a messy toddler who just threw flour every where, that is exactly what I need to hear.


Rebecca Benson is a League City stay at home mom who has lived here since 2003 when her husband took a job on the International Space Station program. She followed soon after working on the same program for nearly six years when she started staying home with the kids. Rebecca loves to craft, scrapbook, sew, and embrace motherhood.  Rebecca has a blog called Mommiedom (( where she talks about all the things in her life not just those “confessions”.