
Mommy Confessions

The World is Filled of TMI

By Rebecca Benson May 6, 2013


Ironic that I write a column where I ramble, oh I mean talk about my life that I would think our world is full of to much information. I figure I am being light hearted and I hope I haven't revealed anything that makes people cringe though I admit to being guilty of posting about all the cleaning I do (I have a tad OCD issue).


I find our world to be one where we put way to much personal information out there for the world to see. Specifically on all of these social networks where I have seen pictures I can't be unseen or read postings about things you should keep private. We have become a world where we feel the need to share yet we still seem to lack connections with people. It isn't a good idea to post things when you are heavily medicated or during a night of drinking.


Being opinionated is a great thing but please do it with thought. I see so many people put stuff out in the world that well is so bone headed. I am amazed as well how many people also go along with things because they think it is the cool thing to do. Even as adults we tend to forget all common sense and do stupid stuff.


Letting others know about your life is a good thing, because we as humans are nosy by nature. Yes I do like to know about the people I friend on Facebook because I have information out there as well but I also admit to having what I feel I should have out there and not everything. I still have things in my life that I like to keep close to my heart. I just wish others would do the same.


The media doesn't help with it either and our constant need to be connected to the world. I noticed the other day while sitting at the stoplight that I instantly reached for my phone. My own attention span has become so tiny that I find it hard to just sit. I am trying to be better because for most of my life, I was able to sit at a light with out reaching for my connection to the outside world.


Unplugging isn't a bad thing and maybe we all have to do it more often. I know I do but it is hard when so much information s out there for us. I know I need to be better about what I do put out in the world because it will be there for ever. I don't want to regret something I said or did because of an impulse. So this week let's challenge ourselves to unplug for a moment. It can be 10 minutes or all day. There is no way I can go all day but an hour here and there might help.


Also think first about what you put out in the world. Half a second thought usually stops something. I had mentioned a few weeks ago to a friend that I was annoyed with my hubby and was going to email him but than I stopped took a breath and realized it wasn't going to accomplish anything. She told me that is something that comes with age. I guess that means I am getting old!



Rebecca Benson is a League City stay at home mom who has lived here since 2003 when her husband took a job on the International Space Station program. She followed soon after working on the same program for nearly six years when she started staying home with the kids. Rebecca loves to craft, scrapbook, sew, and embrace motherhood.  Rebecca has a blog called Mommiedom (( where she talks about all the things in her life not just those “confessions”.