
Mommy Confessions

Superpowers and Superheros

By Rebecca Benson March 24, 2013


My kids are obsessed with superheroes lately especially the Avengers.  They love to watch all the movies of the superheroes and the one my daughter loves the most is Captain America. I can agree that is a good one to like, good eye candy for Mom when we are watching it for the millionth time.


The kids have about once a week created there own superhero emblems and than tape them to their shirts. A few weeks ago, my daughter and her best friend were over and created supergirl and batgirl decals for their shirts. They ran around here fighting crime against batboy (my son). I was amazed at the creativity they had in creating their heroes and designing the emblems.


Superheroes aren't just for boys any more. The whole genre has embraced girls as well. My daughter’s friend loves the Hulk and if you get her started, will talk about him and the She Hulk for hours. Yes there is a She Hulk comic out there which I learned about from a six year old.


The kids are so darn cute when they talk to us about what they would like their superpowers to be and what kind of bad guys they like to fight. My daughter has even created her own comic about her favorite superheroes. I think it is cute she has a little crush on Captain American because that is always her main character.


When I was out grocery shopping a few weeks ago, I picked up some of those plastic cups with  the Avengers on them. My daughter claimed Captain America even before I showed them all the cups. I had also picked up a Disney princess which she responded to why would I buy her a princess one because she doesn't like princesses anymore and my heart sank a little.


Wanting to be a superhero is a great way for kids to be creative and use their imagination. I am amazed at the things the kids come up with as they try to fly around the house or take cardboard boxes to create their special space ship. They have to make sure that superheroes eat well so we have special superhero food like carrots for good eye sight and cheese for strong bones. Yeah that actually works with my kids because they will gobble it up. 


I am going to miss the days when my kids no longer want to play pretend and decide to sequester themselves in their rooms listening to music I am most likely going to hate. I now understand why my mother told me to turn NKOTB off after I listen to the cassette like ten times.  I am sure that I will be doing the same thing.


The best thing about the kids loving superheroes is that they find heroes all around them. Dad is the hero for killing that nasty bug and Mom can mend booboos with a single kiss. They see us as amazing people and they don't even realize we see them the same way. I love that my kids are superheroes because they are super in so many ways!


Rebecca Benson is a League City stay at home mom who has lived here since 2003 when her husband took a job on the International Space Station program. She followed soon after working on the same program for nearly six years when she started staying home with the kids. Rebecca loves to craft, scrapbook, sew, and embrace motherhood.  Rebecca has a blog called Mommiedom (( where she talks about all the things in her life not just those “confessions”.